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Inspired by my own experience, MedMatch is an ongoing project to design an app that helps young kids with ADHD track their symptoms and find the right medication.




I interviewed students, parents, and doctors about navigating the process of finding the ideal ADHD medicine and dosage. There were clear patterns: 


  • Young students with ADHD rely on trial-and-error to find the right medicine and dosage. 

  • Doctors ask students to self report on symptoms and side effects, including how they change throughout the day. 

  • With so much to keep track of, students with ADHD struggle to report accurately, and there is no other source of information. 


It feels like stumbling around in the dark... and there's really no way that I can help.


 - Michelle

       (mom of ADHD patient)


I know [the doctor] can't help if I don't answer the questions ... but I never remember

the details 


 - Ali 

       (student with ADHD)

User Testing


I conceived of an app that prompts students to quickly rate how they're feeling at key points during the school day. The app would come with preset categories, but students could also add new symptoms or side effects they'd like to keep track of.   


​I tested two versions with users - one for a smartwatch and one for a phone. We used these to test various rating systems and to figure out the best platform. 


We also built out several ways of presenting the collected data, and shared with doctors. 

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I love it 

... this definitely was made by someone who understands what ADHD feels like. 



I drew inspiration from healthcare apps and apps focused on children. I built a simple, cheerful interface with an emphasis on easy navigation. To make sure it remains non-disruptive during the school day, there are only three basic task flows: one for setting the trackable qualities, one for setting a time of day, and one for doing daily entries. 

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